Eating the right kind of food may not only lower the risk to some diseases but may help us to have a good memory. Recent research discovers that 80% of the population with age range 25 years old and above suffers memory problems, not to mention the dreaded Alzheimer’s Disease. This memory problem can be reduce with the help of healthy food and proper diet. Eating foods that are high in Vitamin E such as vegetable oil-based salad dressing, seeds and nuts, peanut butter and whole grains are recommended to aid the memory-loss problem. Vitamin E is a potent antioxidants and help protect neurons or nerve cells. Foods such as salmon, tuna, mackerel and other fish are rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, including docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). In the brain, DHA plays a very important role for the normal functioning of neurons. Another healthy tips from the expert says that ”eating more fish often and less in red meat” could help avoid artery clogging saturated fats. The choice of food that you eat could reflect your body’s health and functioning, so eat right and choose healthy food and you could save your memory.